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Actually it was more like he face fucked me in a “fa(m)ily restroom. He locked the door, I wanted to leave it unlocked hoping a lady would come in and I could see her reaction.We spend almost every weekend together fucking. Most times either Mike comes over, during the week in need of pussy and we fuck each other until he can't cum anymore or I when need a hot dick I stop by his place for a good hard fuck. Recently at a wedding reception the bride and bridesmaids weren't wearing bras. You could. And their response? They feel immensely great and relaxed. Saying after first few shots it all tastes same.It is said that some fruit such as pineapple improves the taste of semen. This has never been proved scientifically. Looks Normal semen looks clear, whitish liquid. Sometimes of slightly grey or yellowish colour. Quantities vary greatly somewhere between 2-5ml. There are some herbal supplements to increase the ejaculation volume. Though not scientifically proven they seem to work.Disease . .. not again. You couldn't walk for 3 days after that, your jaw took so much dick it was stiff for 2 days. That cannot happen again!Shaun, the ginger manager, lanky but always smelling good. Clean blue shirts and tight trousers showing his meat approaches your desk, your eyes level with his cock..."Don't forget the cum" Shaun explained,"What?!" you question anxiously,"Don't forget the code... for tomorrow, you are on safe duty. Are you ok?" Shaun repeated,"Ye- Yes Shaun. I am fine. Just things. She pulled back and it came off, exposing a large pink nipple, swollen to a hard point! Jerry let the pastie drop from his mouth as she brought the other tit up and held the breast up to his lips. "Lick it," she told him. He extended his tongue, licking the soft, swollen nipple. She removed that one and brought the other one to his lips. "Suck her tits," Bill said, jacking on his dick. "Suck it," she said. He took the nipple between his lips and began to suck on it. After a few moments, she.
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